
Battlefield 2042 Manages to Anger Fans More With New Release


Battlefield 2042 is in a rough spot, and it’s been in a rough spot since its messy launch on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. At launch, the game was plagued with bugs and performance issues, many of which continue to be a problem for the game. In addition to this, the game was missing a boatload of features from previous games. Since launch, DICE and EA haven’t done the game many favors, releasing a minimal amount of new content to keep the game competitive in a highly competitive space dominated by games with regular updates.ย 

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Unfortunately, for Battlefield 2042 players, the situation has not changed. There’s still no sign of the next big update. What Battlefield fans can look forward to is a new Tactical Beanie. Today, the official Battlefield Twitter account announced the new Weekly Mission, which unlocked the Tactical Beanie, an “epic headgear for Angel.” As you would expect, this hasn’t sat well with fans, coming across as tone-death to some, and as trolling to others.ย

“I swear this game is progressively getting worse and worse as time goes by,” reads one of the most popular replies to the tweet above. “Barely any major improvements with fixes we got, just annoncements of upcoming big fixes. I’m afraid empty words is everything we’ll be getting from DICE regarding BF 2042. This franchise deserves better.”

For more than 3 months, Players have been complaining nonstop about the fact that this game lacks any meaningful beanie representation,” reads another popular, sarcastic reply. “Finally, DICE has delivered.”

Of course, the cosmetic pipeline is separate from the content and updates pipeline, but that doesn’t negate the fact that releasing a “tactical beanie” as a weekly reward during a time of player unrest is a very bad decision.

Battlefield 2042 is available via the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. For more coverage on the game, click here.

Battlefield 2042 absolutely should have been pushed back by EA and DICE to some point in 2022,” reads a snippet of our review of the game. “Instead, the version of this game that is currently available has been virtually unplayable for me at times since first releasing. Even beyond this, though, some of the key design changes that DICE has made in Battlefield 2042 don’t feel for the better. Rather than improving on the core Battlefield experience that fans loved with Battlefield 3, 4, or Bad Company 2, 2042 is a bloated husk of its former self that is trying to recapture some semblance of its previous glory. As a fan that has been playing this series for well over a decade, Battlefield 2042 is a massive disappointment that I struggle to think is even worth saving.”