'Beneath a Steel Sky' Sequel Announced For PC, Consoles, And Apple Devices

Today, out of nowhere, Revolution Software announced during Apple's business keynote that it's [...]

Today, out of nowhere, Revolution Software announced during Apple's business keynote that it's making a sequel to 1994's dystopian cyberpunk adventure game, Beneath a Steel Sky. Dubbed Beyond a Steel Sky, the project will apparently be releasing this year via PC, Apple devices, and "consoles." What consoles specifically, and when specifically, was unfortunately not divulged.

According to Revolution Software, Beyond a Steel Sky will tell a thrilling story of loyalty and redemption that unfolds in a world where AI has taken control. Further, like any Revolution Software game, there will be the "studio's signature humor," as well as renowned comic book artist Dave Gibbons' assisting with the project.

"Even after so many years, fans of the original game are still incredibly loyal and very passionate – and have remained vocal in demanding a sequel," said Revolution Software founder and CEO Charles Cecil. "Adventure games are played by a large, diverse audience that hugely enjoys the interweaving of story and puzzles. Our approach has been to write an intelligent, witty adventure game that is wholly intuitive to play and assumes no prior knowledge of the original game or its universe. We aspire to write a modern day 1984 told through the medium of the adventure game."

According to Cecil and the aforementioned Gibbons, the game has been on the minds of both for many years, but the pair were waiting for the right moment to make the game.

"Charles and I have discussed returning to the Beneath a Steel Sky universe many times over the years," said Dave Gibbons. "Fake news, social controls, polarized views — the world is confusing — we agreed that now was the right time for Robert Foster to take a trip back to and beyond that Steel Sky. I am delighted to be working with Revolution again."

Revolution Software also provides the following elevator pitch of the title:

"Beyond a Steel Sky is a hugely ambitious adventure in which intelligent, humorous emergent gameplay drives an edgy narrative. Very much an adventure, the game is set in a dynamic, bounded-sandbox world. A unique world that will respond to—and be subverted by—the player's actions. The game characters, driven by advanced AI tech, are willful and motivated: their intelligent responses allow interesting, emergent solutions to puzzles and obstacles. The culmination of Revolution's 30 years of developing adventure games, Beyond a Steel Sky evolves and redefines the adventure genre."

Beyond a Steel Sky is in development for Apple devices, PC, and consoles, and is scheduled to release sometime later this year.


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