
Why Video Game Easter Eggs Are Cooler Than You Think

Easter eggs in games are absolutely nothing new, and they almost become a game within a game — […]

Easter eggs in games are absolutely nothing new, and they almost become a game within a game — especially in open-world titles. We’ve shared a pretty neat Monty Python Easter egg found in The Witcher III, and it got us us thinking about these hidden little gems and what they mean.

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The general attitude in the gaming community right now is combative, to say the least. With studios being closer than ever to their fans via social media, it makes it even easier for those that don’t know how to critique without volatile intentions aim at the developers that create some of our favorite games. Because of that, there seems to be a desensitized aura blanketing the relationship between gamers and those that create said games and it seems that many seem to forget that these developers are not only human, but gamers just like us.

Easter eggs are amazing ways to get to know these devs on a personal level without even realising it. From including nods to other favourite games that they enjoy, to other pop culture references such as memes, movies, and TV, these hidden finds are a window into the developers themselves and their own interests — their own “nerdy” fandom.

Personally, I find them incredibly interesting. I’m a completionist at heart so finding hidden Easter eggs is almost a second job for me; I just genuinely love finding them. But I also like hunting them down because developers put special thought into their placement, and many times it’s because whatever the egg is referencing means something to them on a personal level. That, or they just thought it was funny. That being said, finding those hidden treasures feels like the ultimate way to say “thank you” to these creators that give us the experiences we wouldn’t have otherwise. I’ll never be a Witcher or Commander Shepard, I’ll never be the Warden or the Savior, and I’ll never save the princess, I’ll never be a spec ops agent in space, but I can be all of those things and so much more in games, and having any connection to those that work so hard to bring us these adventures? Yeah, that’s pretty important.

So what about you? What are some of your favourite Easter eggs you’ve uncovered in the past? Do you agree with what I said, or do you think I’m an overly sentimental mush ball? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.