Rumor: Crackdown 3 Delayed To 2019

Poor, poor Crackdown 3. This sequel got announced way back in 2014 during Microsoft’s E3 [...]

Crackdown 3

Poor, poor Crackdown 3. This sequel got announced way back in 2014 during Microsoft's E3 showcase and was promised to be one of the featured titles for the Xbox One system. But since that time, it's been hit with a number of delays. The last one turned out to be real costly for Microsoft as it was initially set to debut alongside the Xbox One X last November before being pushed to an undisclosed date for 2018.

And even on that note, some sources are reporting that it could be facing yet another delay. And this time, it's all the way to 2019.

The report comes from Kotaku, which indicates that the Sumo Digital-produced sequel has run into some development problems based on feedback from two sources that have wished to remain anonymous in the hopes of protecting their jobs.

There was no reason given for the delay, only that the game was running into development issues. It was in playable form during E3 2017, where several fans gave it a try and found it to be less-than-ideal for an Xbox One release. Obviously Sumo Digital has had time to clean it up since then but it sounds like there's still work that needs to be done. A lot of work.

Microsoft hasn't said a word and probably won't until its official E3 showcase kicks off this Sunday. By that point we should hear whether Crackdown 3 will meet its intended release this year or get pushed back again.

If it does end up being delayed, it could be a big problem for the Xbox squad. Microsoft has been attempting to recover from a lull that hit them hard last year between Crackdown's delay and the cancellation of projects like Fable Legends and Scalebound. If it is going to push the game back another year, then it needs to have something in place to keep its fans entertained. Hopefully it'll have an announcement that clarifies everything and gives us something to look forward to for this year.

We'll keep you informed on what the official word is but fingers crossed that we won't be awaiting Crackdown 3 for too much longer.

When it does release, Crackdown 3 will arrive for Xbox One and Xbox One X.

(Hat tip to Kotaku for the scoop!)