New 'Cyberpunk 2077' Release Date Leak Says It's Releasing This Year

Of course, this should be taken with a grain of salt, like any leak. And when you consider CD [...]

cyberpunk 2077 close up logo
(Photo: CD Projekt Red)

According to a new leak, we may be getting our hands on CD Projekt Red's ambitious open-world RPG meets first-person shooter, Cyberpunk 2077, sooner than previously thought.

More specifically, according to creative agency Territory Studios who worked on the game's motion title card, Cyberpunk 2077 is releasing sometime this year.

The leak came courtesy of Territory Studios' official site, which has since been updated to delete the information, but not before eagle-eyed Reset Era user spad3 spotted and screenshotted it.

(Photo: Territory Studio via Reset Era)

Of course, this should be taken with a grain of salt, like any leak. And when you consider CD Projekt Red itself recently said the game is still a long way off, maybe you should reserve a couple of grains of salt for this.

That said, it's not the first time a report or leak has suggested the game will release this year, so who knows. There could be something here. It seems unlikely, but there's a chance.

Given that Territory Studios worked with CD Projekt Red on the game could mean it was privy to some information, but again, this seems unlikely. I mean, why would CD Projekt Red provide it with release information if the work it's doing for the Polish studio doesn't require it to know such information?

Whatever the case, we probably won't be hearing or seeing the game until E3 this June. CD Projekt has already confirmed the game will be at the show, but it obviously didn't divulge any specifics on what capacity it will be there in. That said, if the game is releasing this year, you'd assume we'd hear about the release date there.

Cyberpunk 2077 is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and possibly next-gen systems. For more coverage on the highly-anticipated game, click here.

As always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. Will Cyberpunk 2077 release this year?


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