Destiny 2 Expansion Teased With the Help of WWE Superstar "Big Show"

It's no secret that WWE Superstar 'Big Show' has always been a huge fan of Bungie's MMO Destiny 2. [...]

destiny 2 the big show

It's no secret that WWE Superstar "Big Show" has always been a huge fan of Bungie's MMO Destiny 2. Officially partnered up with the devs behind the shooter, it's time to start teasing what's next. We've known for awhile now that the next big expansion is slated for a May release, and though we've had tons of leaks thus far it seems that we will finally getting an official reveal soon.

The big man himself took to Twitter to tease "soon" geared up in Destiny 2 loot:

Paul "The Big Show" Wright has shown a lot of love for the series since its inception, he even modded the E3 panel for Bungie in 2017. But his tweet wasn't the only teaser we received. Game Director Christopher Barrett added his own flare into the mix:

Fans in the comment section to this thread immediately started putting their minds to work and the common consensus was that AURORA RETROFLEX is meant to be the defense set up to protect when Rasputin is in danger. Rasputin, of course, referencing a storyline that was later shelved by Bungie for the first game. Originally, Rasputin "The Warmind," was meant to be a consistent character in the first title, though it was later drastically altered into an AI during the Golden Age.

This would make sense given that the latest leak, the one that dropped last month, has the next expansion set as "The Fallen Warmind." Given that Warmind is associated with Rasputin, it isn't hard to put 2 and 2 together. That being said, don't get too excited because yet another leak surfaced stating that it wasn't called "The Fallen Warmind" but instead "Heralds of Nezarec." Both seemed to fall off the radar, so it's best for now just to wait for the official reveal.

Stay tuned as we learn more about what's next for Destiny 2 and whether or not Bungie can regain some of the love lost during their tumultuous first year.