
Diablo 4 Reveals Monetization Plans


Blizzard has today revealed how monetization practices will work in Diablo 4 when the game launches next year. In recent months, the Diablo series as a whole has been under fire from fans following some troublesome in-game purchase options in the mobile title Diablo Immortal. Luckily, Blizzard has now stressed that the monetization schemes seen in Immortal won’t be similar to what is seen in Diablo 4

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Outlined in the latest quarterly blog associated with Diablo 4, Blizzard painted a better picture of how real-money transactions will work. In short, Blizzard stressed that the Shop component of Diablo 4 is something that it wants players to use “because they want to, not because they feel like they have to.” As such, the Shop will only sell cosmetic items that have no actual impact on the gameplay or statistics of characters seen in Diablo 4

Blizzard also made clear that it wants players to very much be aware of what they’re actually buying in Diablo 4‘s shop. This means that things like loot boxes won’t be present whatsoever. The thing that players might choose to spend their own money on will be well-defined in the Shop so that you know exactly what you’re buying. 

Lastly, Blizzard said that it’s also trying to ensure that the Shop of Diablo 4 doesn’t feature the “best-looking cosmetics” in the game. While a player’s tastes will obviously vary, Blizzard made clear that there will be hundreds upon hundreds of unlockable items in the game that will never be locked behind real-money transactions. “There are incredible pieces—Unique and Legendary quality items—for players to find without ever going to the Shop,” Blizzard explined. “The Shop offers more diversity of choices, not systematically better choices.”

Currently, the big question that continues to circle Diablo 4 comes with the game’s launch date. For now, Blizzard has simply committed to releasing the long-awaited game at some point in the first half of 2023. Whenever it does drop, it will be coming to PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC platforms. 

How do you feel about Diablo 4’s monetization strategy based on what Blizzard has outlined? Do you think that this is encouraging, or are you somewhat concerned given how Diablo Immortal turned out? Give me your own impressions on this information either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.