Diablo 4 is set to deliver several important changes alongside Season 1. The Season of the Malignant is not only adding new story content but is giving players access to a brand-new way to upgrade their gear with legendary equipment. However, the changes don’t stop there, as Blizzard’s associate game director Joe Piepiora recently announced that changes to item level requirements should make gearing alts much easier. Previously, level requirements were a bit stingy, meaning you’d have to level your alt characters quite a bit before you could pass along gear your main character was no longer using. Those restrictions are being relaxed a bit as Diablo 4 looks to make improvements for lower-level characters.
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The info first came from an interview with the German site GameStarย where Piepiora talked about how items found at level 100 would previously always have that level cap, meaning you couldn’t send that gear down to your lower-level characters. Essentially, much of what players were finding was junk that they could never actually use. However, as clarified later on Twitter, the new system will have Sacred items that cap at an item level of 60 and Ancestral items that cap at 80. That means your main character will be able to find gear that you can then pass on to lower-level characters to help them get through the leveling process much more quickly.
As with many of the changes coming in Season 1, this seems perfectly tuned to improve players’ quality of life in Diablo 4. Not only should it make the grind of starting a new seasonal character a bit easier if you decide to bring them to the Eternal Realm but it also lessens the time commitment for anyone who wants a character from each class. Plus, if you want to be forward-thinking, it’ll also help out if Blizzard decides to introduce a new class via expansion in the future.
Diablo 4 Season 1 hits PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms on July 20. As mentioned above, you’ll need to start a new character if you want to run through the season and its battle pass, but will be rewarded for doing so. Unfortunately, key features like leaderboards won’t be ready for Season 1 but should come in the future.