Fable Update Sheds Light on State of the Game

A new update on the new Fable game has finally shed some light on the highly-anticipated PC and Xbox Series X|S title. According to various rumors and reports, the game is having serious development issues and is very, very far away from releasing. Meanwhile, the way Xbox has spoken about the game in the past has raised some red flags as well. That said, it's hard to know how much stock should be put into any of this because apparently, the game has already reached a playable state. This isn't to say it's releasing anytime soon or that this playable state is a good state, but it's something. 

Developer Playground Games hasn't announced this formally, but according to Vijay Gill, a producer on the game, the game is in a playable state, or at least this is what Gill's LinkedIn profile claims. According to Gill's LinkedIn page, they are "preparing and facilitating regular game playthroughs and build reviews with key stakeholders." Again, this doesn't mean content complete. Not at all, but you can't have game playthroughs and build reviews if the game isn't in a playable state.

Unfortunately, this is all the LinkedIn page, which at the moment of writing this remains unedited, divulges. That said, if the game is in a playable state it means that if there was a reboot in the game's development, which some rumors have suggested, it wasn't very recently, unless Playground Games didn't start completely over from day one of pre-production. 

For now, all we can really do is speculate. So far, none of the implicated parties have commented on any of this. We don't anticipate this changing for a variety of reasons, but if it does, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. As or Fable, there's no word when it will release. It was announced in 2020 for Xbox Series X|S and PC, but it's been crickets since then and everything right now suggests it will continue to be crickets for a while. 

H/T, Twisted Voxel.