
Fortnite’s FPS Setting Might Be Affecting Jump Height, Epic Games Investigates

Sacrificing FPS for better performance is nothing new in gaming, but some players are now noticing […]

Sacrificing FPS for better performance is nothing new in gaming, but some players are now noticing that jumping height might actually differ depending on the FPS setting.

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On the console version of Fortnite, there have been some talks recently about supposedly undocumented changes like jump height and other forms of player movement. While some players felt as though they weren’t jumping quite as high anymore despite others saying that the jumping mechanic felt fine, the video above that was captured via Xbox DVR and was posted on Reddit makes it hard to ignore the difference in jump height depending on whether the 60 FPS setting is on or not.

The video that was submitted to the Fortnite Battle Royale subreddit offers a fairly convincing look at the jump differences, one that’s prompted Epic Games to look into the issue. In a comment that was posted within the video’s thread on Saturday, an Epic Games representative simply said “We are investigating.” The results of this investigation may reveal that there is, in fact, a problem with the FPS and various mechanics, something that’ll need to be fixed lest players have to sacrifice one feature for the other.

But even with the evidence shown in the video, it’s still anecdotal since it’s only dealing with one player’s account, and others have said that they’ve had no problems with jumping or any other mechanic with the 60 FPS setting on. Comments from other players indicated that their own experiments with jumping on doors while the FPS setting was on yielded nothing but success with others corroborating the findings and saying that they were having no issues. According to some accounts, taking a step or two back from where the jumping point would normally be will allow players to jump on the doors with no problem. However, others noted that even though they could jump on doors without a problem, there were other areas that were previously accessible through jumping that no longer appear to be reachable.

Epic Games is currently looking into the potential FPS problem and will likely follow up with its findings soon.