The team behind Epic Games recently sat down with the PlayStation crew over on their blog to talk all things Fortnite. Though some of the interview was comprised of things we already knew, like the fact that the game itself only took two months to throw together, they did cover other topics as well.
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One aspect to the wildly popular online game was how quickly it blew up, even surpassing the previous reigning champ, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. When the PlayStation Blog asked if they had any tips to give newbies that might be diving in for the first time after seeing so much exciting coverage, Epic Games’ advice was all about that building:
“Building! Learning how to place a ramp to get onto the roof of a building is a great first step. Fortnite‘s action-building system can be used for mobility, defense, or even offense, and becoming comfortable with the system is a great way to increase your chances of winning.
For example, if you get caught out in the open and begin taking fire, you can quickly build a wall or a ramp to give yourself some cover. This protection can give you a moment to heal, apply a shield, or reload a weapon.”
The building mechanic to their free-to-play Battle Royale mode is unique, and something not seen in the PUBG title. This adds another layer of challenge to the already competitive mode, giving players a chance to create their dream bunkers to snipe from, or make a quick escape. Now that Port-a-Forts are also in the game, this technique of a constantly evolving gameplay experience has gotten even more crazy, providing instant protection that can mean a win or a loss in that fight for Victory Royale.
We previously learned about the creation of this mode at GDC, which you can read about here, but we were shocked to find out how quickly they were able to whip this together.
With how intricate the building mechanics are for the battle royale game, and how much new content they’ve dropped since unveiling the new mode, many might be surprised to learn that the whole thing only took two months to develop! According to Epic Games’ Ed Zobrist during their Fortnite GDC panel, “We started working on this just about the time Save the World was coming out,” Zobrist mentioned. “Two months in development, launched in September 26. So let’s do some math: Save the World, the PvE game, launched July 21. [Battle Royale] comes out September 26.”
Two months … just two months to create something that has now taken over all major platforms, introduced crossplay, and is even dominating on mobile as well. But PvE is a tricky mistress and to make sure the experience was authentic to what players wanted, Epic did call in some outside help from experts that are familiar with the intricate nature of shooters, “And it was the Unreal Tournament team that popped over to pick up the charge for us to basically put originally what we thought would be a PvP version inside our PvE game.”