Friday the 13th: The Game Devs Give Update on Status of Next Patch

The developers working on Friday the 13th: The Game recently updated players with news that the [...]

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The developers working on Friday the 13th: The Game recently updated players with news that the next update won't be dropping until sometime in December.

Things have been quiet on the Friday the 13th front with the last update coming some time ago. IllFonic and Gun Media scored big during the Golden Joystick by taking home the title of Best Independent Game, but as far as new content goes, players are still waiting for their next update. Some have wondered when the update might drop with players continually pushing back their suggested release dates as November comes to a close, but a new announcement from IllFonic now gives a better idea of what to expect from the next patch.

"We wanted to give you all an update on the status of this upcoming patch," said IllFonic Courier on the game's forums. "There are currently no planned patches to be released during November. We're still working on some of the new content that will be included in this next update. We recently announced that we will be raising the current level cap up to 150, but that's likely the least exciting part of this patch and we're definitely looking forward to that. The only hint we can provide right now is this: check the planned content road map."

The content road map that Courier referenced can be seen here, a schedule that outlines when players can expect certain features to be added. There's still plenty of content to be seen for the remainder of the year, some of which will very likely come in the next update since the patch won't be focused as much on balance changes.

"There have also been many questions about balance changes for this upcoming patch and we want to make it clear that this will not be a balance focused patch," Courier continued. "This does not mean that we won't be making any adjustments to balance, but there certainly won't be as many high impact changes like the previous patch. A majority of this upcoming patch will be focused on introducing new content and fixing bugs. We acknowledge that Jason currently requires some additional tuning and we will be releasing a few posts in these following weeks with information regarding some of the recent balance changes."

No expected release date for the patch was provided in the forums post, but look for more updates from IllFonic prior to the update going live.