GTA 6 Teased by Actor Ahead of Rumored Reveal

GTA fans are starting to get very excited for GTA 6.

According to several different rumors, GTA 6 is going to be revealed by Rockstar Games later this year. According to many of these same rumors, the game will be revealed and stamped with a 2024 or 2025 release date. Whether any of this will come to fruition, remains to be seen. We've been hearing about a GTA 6 reveal and release for years, and so far, there's nothing to show for it. What we do have is a new tease from Ned Luke, the actor behind GTA 5 protagonist Michael de Santa. 

It's unclear if Luke is involved in GTA 6. If he was, he obviously couldn't mention if he was because he would be under NDA. That said, it's unlikely he is. Rockstar Games rarely brings back GTA characters in future games beyond maybe the brief cameo or two. While Luke isn't involved, he likely knows a thing or two about the game's development as he likely knows a person or two involved with the game's development. Whether this comes into play with the tease below though, who can say. 

Over on his Instagram page, Luke replied to a GTA fan asking about GTA 6. In this reply, Luke notes it's "gonna be worth the wait." Is there any inside information or insight behind this tease? Again, it's possible, but there's nothing to it that suggests as much. As you would expect though, some GTA fans have put some extra weight behind the claim given Luke's history and potential connections. 

If Luke was involved, even a comment as banal as this one would likely violate an NDA, so this does seemingly confirm Luke is not involved with the game. Nobody expected him to be, but this does seemingly rule it out.

Unfortunately, for now all we have is speculation and there's no concrete word when this speculation will turn into actual details on the game. Typically, Rockstar Games likes to tease a reveal, and then reveal said game a few days later. Right now, there's no word of this happening anytime soon, official or unofficial. 
