Hello Neighbor Finally Coming to PlayStation 4

Publisher tinyBuild Games and developer Dynamic Pixels have announced that Hello Neighbor is [...]

Publisher tinyBuild Games and developer Dynamic Pixels have announced that Hello Neighbor is finally making its way to the PlayStation 4 this summer, after releasing on Xbox One and PC back in December of last year. To celebrate this announcement the American publisher also released a brand-new trailer, which you can watch above.

If you've been paying attention to the rating boards, this announcement will come as no surprise, as a PEGI listing let the cat out of the bag right before the new year.

A popular title to stream, Hello Neighbor is a game where you sneak into your suspicious neighbor's house to try and figure out what horrible secrets he is hiding deep in his basement. It sounds simple, but in practice it's quite complicated. This isn't you average neighbor, it's an advanced and intricate AI that learns from your every move. For example, like making a habit of sneaking through the backyard window? Well, eventually the Neighbor will set a bear-trap there. Or maybe you like just walking right through the front door. Well, it will soon be chained shut. Meanwhile, the scary part is you're infiltrating your neighbor's house, which means he knows the surroundings better than you, including the shortcuts. Thus, it's better to avoid chases around the house, unless of course you're a glutton for tenseness

As for the game's story, it is split up across three acts, each said to "dive deeper down the rabbit hole." Within these acts are multiple houses to break into, numerous easter eggs to unearth, and of course a neighbor that is very upset you're in his home.

Hello Neighbor is available for $29.99 USD on Xbox One and PC. Presumably, it will carry over its price-point, as well as get a physical release, on PS4. Additionally, the game is also slated to come to the Nintendo Switch, though a release date for this version hasn't been divulged.

Meanwhile, if you're a big Hello Neighbor fan, you can also look forward to a new prequel novel to the game, as well as some Hello Neighbor-themed toys that are coming this fall courtesy of McFarlane Toys.