Marvel Heroes Players Demanding Refunds For In-Game Purchases After Shut Down News

After news broke that Disney was shutting down Marvel Heroes with zero notice, many fans of the [...]


After news broke that Disney was shutting down Marvel Heroes with zero notice, many fans of the MMORPG were disappointed at the immediate goodbye. The abrupt shut down came from Disney ending their relationship with Gazillion Entertainment, which made support for the game non-existent. Though the game itself became free-to-play, there were many in-game purchases fans could make to better their play experience or customize their characters. Some players are upset at the way Disney handled the shut down and are now demanding compensation.

One Xbox player claims he spent over 400 dollars on microtransactions in order to unlock certain characters within the game. Many players are now demanding refunds for those purchases. The reason being is though some characters were available without paying through simple gametime,to unlock all of them does require some real life cash. To unlock every character on the roster, players would either spend 5 dollars individually, or 20 dollars on packs. That's not even including addition skin costs for those that spend a ton of time in-game.

In response to the take-down, Gazillion made the announcement that they would be removing all in-game purchasing option from the title effective immediately. Since the console port came much later, many Xbox and PlayStation fans are beyond frustrated when faced with only having an incredibly limited time with recently added characters that they ended up having to pay for in order to unlock. Though PC players have had years to have some up close time with their heroes, console has only had several months. Needless to say, the subreddit post blew up.

Some are reported they were able to get small refunds on Xbox, but most are reporting that their efforts are being met with a hard 'no'. Though neither company has addressed the refund debacle publicly as of yet, it is important to notate that that the terms and conditions that all players 'agreed' to does state that Gazillion can get rid of both the game and in-game purchases at any time and it will owe the consumer nothing. This is an incredibly common clause with games that have in-game purchases, so it's not surprising to see Marvel Heroes has a similar policy.

Many of the PlayStation members are saying they've had no luck with customer service, with only a few Xbox members claiming success. No word yet on how they plan on handling these in-game purchases and the refunds demanded by console members.