Marvel's Avengers War Zones Director Teases Endgame Content

Marvel's Avengers had a big showing at this past week's War Table event, which gave us more [...]

Marvel's Avengers had a big showing at this past week's War Table event, which gave us more details and a true first look at co-op in the game. Cooperative play will take place within War Zone missions, though you don't have to play with others, opting for A.I. companions. Regardless of which you choose, this will also be where at least one significant portion of the endgame content lives according to War Zones Director Philippe Therien. Therien held an AMA on Reddit yesterday, and when a fan asked about endgame content he talked a bit about Hives, which will challenge even the most experienced Marvel's Avengers players. He also teased two other pieces of endgame content, but he wouldn't divulge anything on those just yet.

"I can tell you that Vince and i are absolutely passionate about endgame content," Therien wrote. "We will have Hives which are gauntlets that challenge your entire Roster of heroes, bosses and villains will make appearances...we also have two other endgame pieces of content that i'm not allowed to talk about just yet but i can't wait to show you! Likely in an upcoming wearable. We want to show you guys a road map for this, its going to be a mix of new stories, events and endgame challenges. Stay tuned! -Phil"

We also got a few more details on Hives in a new blog post from the PlayStation Blog, which also broke down the other mission types in the War Zone section of the game, and you can check those out below.

Iconic Missions
While Hero Missions are the campaign crafted, hero focused missions, we also have War Zone missions crafted as unique Hero stories which evolve the story of a specific Avenger and provide context to how they dealt with the fallout from A-Day. How does Tony feel about AIM repurposing his tech for their own ends? What are the ramifications of Hulk's extended stay as the Big Green? Iconic outfits and powerful gear await at the end of a chain of Iconic Missions.

Faction Missions
In addition to reassembling the Avengers, players will help rebuild outposts for their allies. SHIELD suffered greatly after the disbanding of the Avengers, and the Resistance formed as a direct result of AIMs increasingly authoritarian activity worldwide. Players can take part in missions to provide these factions intel, supplies, and defend them from AIM attacks. Even cooler, the Helicarrier becomes populated by members of these factions who want to help in the fight against AIM. Faction leaders will also give out missions as part of the ongoing conflict in the post-campaign world and provide faction-specific rewards.

Drop Zones
Drop Zones are short missions with a single objective, such as defending allies or sabotaging an AIM structure.

Vaults are large explorable spaces that take some leg-work to uncover. To access a vault you first have to locate the coordinates from hidden SHIELD caches around the world. Once you've found the entrance, you must fight your way inside and breach the vault before you reap the rewards.

Hives are AIM strongholds located throughout the world, the Avengers must uncover their location and fight their way through and a gauntlet of increasingly challenging AIM defenses in order to disable them.

Villain Sector
Villain Sector missions culminate with a boss fight, such as notable Marvel villains working in tandem with AIM, or one of the organization's extra-deadly constructs.

I like the fact that you have to uncover the locations of Hives, giving you yet another reason to explore the world. Hopefully, we'll get to see this in action soon, and fingers crossed we also get more information on those other two pieces of endgame content soon.

Marvel's Avengers hits PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia on September 4th, 2020.

Are you excited about Marvel's Avengers? Let us know what you think in the comments and you can always find me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB for all things gaming.