New Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Rumor Debunked

For years now, rumors have persisted that Konami is working on a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Some fuel was added to the fire on Friday when singer and voice actress Donna Burke shared an image of herself on Twitter holding a folder that reads "Snake Eater." Naturally, this led to many speculating that Burke let the cat out of the bag ahead of an announcement, but composer Mason Lieberman was quick to deny that this new project is related to a remake. While it is something Snake Eater related, what it is has yet to be announced by Konami.

The explanation can be found in the Tweet from Lieberman embedded below. Readers should also note Lieberman's new name on Twitter, which continues the denial.

Unsurprisingly, the Tweet from Lieberman came as a very big disappointment for a lot of Metal Gear fans. It's worth noting that the denial does not mean that all of the previous Metal Gear Solid 3 rumors are false, just that this one in particular didn't pan out. It's possible that this project Burke and Lieberman are working on is some kind of covers album, or it's part of something else Konami is planning. For now, fans will just have to keep waiting patiently for an announcement from the publisher!

Over the last few years, Konami had moved away from developing and publishing big new games, focusing instead on publishing smaller ones, as well as compilations of older titles. That policy left fans of franchises like Silent Hill, Castlevania, and Metal Gear wondering what this might mean for the future. Things started to change last year, when the company announced several new projects based on Silent Hill. Naturally, fans have been wondering when it might be Metal Gear's turn, but nothing official has been announced. Hopefully rumors of a Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater remake will prove correct, so fans can finally have something new to look forward to!

Have you been hoping for news about a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3? Do you think we'll see an announcement in the near future? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!