Ninja Roasts Jake Paul Following His Looting Scandal

Jake Paul was charged with criminal trespassing and unlawful assembly this week after he was [...]

Jake Paul was charged with criminal trespassing and unlawful assembly this week after he was spotted in the looting of an Arizona Mall, and now Ninja is roasting him. During a recent stream, the popular Mixer streamer Tyler "Ninja" Blevins took aim at Paul, his recent antics, and his "disgusting content."

"Bro, he made this statement like 'I was just trying to show support, shed light bring awareness'," said Ninja, seemingly mocking Paul. "Logan Paul (Jake's brother) actually had a really good take on his podcast and the clip went viral. And Jake had his opportunity, bro. All he had to do was just peacefully protest, record it, spread awareness, and be positive. Not act like a f*****g j*****s, and just upload it to YouTube. But instead, he pulls a classic Jake Paul, and records the looting and the rioting."

Ninja continued, talking about Paul's past:

"It's like he's messed up and done so much stupid s**t. Like a lot of s**t that could get you in trouble... he doesn't give a s**t about his record. I don't want to be too harsh, but like let's be real man -- the stuff and the content that Jake Paul, and what Logan used to upload, and sometimes still does, it's just disgusting. The fake relationships, the making out, the half-naked [people]."

As you may know, many have criticized Jake Paul this week, including the aforementioned Logan Paul, his brother, and someone who is also no stranger to controversy.

At the moment, it remains to be seen what will come of these charges or what lies ahead for Jake Paul, who has been attempting to take the attention put on him and transfer it to the protests. He's also reportedly been raising money for the cause as well.

As always, feel free to leave a comment or two or three letting us know what you think. Do you agree with Ninja's take on Jake Paul?

H/T, Dexerto.