Nintendo Files New Round of Trademarks Including F-Zero and More

There’s a lot of buzz going Nintendo’s way for next month’s Electronic Entertainment Expo [...]


There's a lot of buzz going Nintendo's way for next month's Electronic Entertainment Expo from swirling rumors about a new Pokemon game to new details about a possible StarFox racing game. Oh, and we shouldn't forget about Super Smash Bros. for that matter.

But now some interesting trademarks have emerged. And they indicate that Nintendo could be bringing more to the show than we could've ever thought possible. In fact, if this pans out we could be looking at the company's biggest showcase in years.

A site called Japanese Nintendo has recently dug up about 15 new trademarks that were filed by the company in Japan. These include some currently announced projects like Super Smash Bros.; but there are also additional ones for games we haven't seen in ages, including Link's Crossbow Training and Sin and Punishment.

The full list is below:

- Super Smash Bros.

- Star Fox

- F-Zero

- Pikmin

- Yoshi's Island

- Art Style

- Flipnote Studio

- Sin & Punishment

- The Legendary Starfy

- Nintendogs

- Link's Crossbow Training

- Wii Fit

- Wii Music

- Wii Play

- Wii Sports

So...what do these mean? Here's what we figure. First up, we know that as of last year, Nintendo began supporting the NVIDIA Shield in Japan with a number of HD-enabled Wii games. There's a good chance that games like Wii Play and Wii Fit will be supported by this device since ports to the Nintendo Switch don't sound very likely. (Still, a Wii Sports port with HD visuals and online support would be good for the company's upcoming online service launch.)

There's also a slight chance we could see these games introduced in the U.S. under a new Nvidia/Nintendo partnership. That's a slight chance but still a chance.

As for the other games, the possibilities are endless. We already know that Smash and Star Fox are on board for returns, but others have our curiosity. We've heard that Nintendo had been interested in a return to the F-Zero franchise for some time -- especially with the popularity of Fast RMX. But others like Yoshi's Island and Sin & Punishment would make fantastic additions to the Switch library. And then there are some titles we haven't seen in quite a while like Pikmin and...The Legendary Starfy? We know those have their fair share of fans.

Nintendo hasn't said a word about what it's doing yet and it's not likely going to. It'll more than likely hang onto all of its secrets until its Nintendo Direct E3 special airs on June 12 at 9 AM PDT. But whatever it is, fans are ready -- and we could be in for some huge reveals.