Nintendo Switch Gets Free Fitness Game

If you can’t find Ring Fit Adventure in stock anywhere or just need a new fitness game to [...]

If you can't find Ring Fit Adventure in stock anywhere or just need a new fitness game to diversify your workouts, Nintendo has you covered with Jump Rope Challenge now available for free on the Nintendo Switch. The game was released by Nintendo this week as a totally free title that only requires some Joy-Cons and some space to jump for players to start working out. As the name of the game suggests, it's all about jumping rope and working to hit your daily goals which can be configured and tracked as you progress through your workouts. It can even be played by more than one person if you need a workout buddy.

The free Nintendo Switch release was announced on Monday, the same day it was released and made available to all Switch owners. Your chosen rabbit avatar jumps alongside the player to show how they're doing as you replace a jump rope with your Joy-Cons.

While the premise of the game is simple enough, Nintendo shared some context on the story behind the game. A follow-up tweet to the announcement said it was created by a few developers in Japan who wanted to add "quick and fun physical movement" to their daily routines.

According to the preview of the game shown on the Nintendo site, it'll track things like your jumps and how long you've been jumping. You'll need a second Joy-Con controller to add a friend if they want to have their stats tracked as well.

While this game is free and is a digital download which means you can get it quickly and easily, the Ring Fit Adventure that offers a more comprehensive workout isn't quite as accessible as of late. The Ring Fit Adventure device that enables players to do a variety of different workouts has been sold out nearly everywhere people look lately, and people who've been looking to do more at-home workouts aren't too pleased with the circumstances. You may be able to find it in stock somewhere, but if that happens, it'll probably only be there for a short time before it's bought up again.

Jump Rope Challenge is now available on the Nintendo Switch as a free download.