Nintendo Switch Pro Reveal Date Potentially Disclosed by Insider

A notable video game industry insider has shared when he believes Nintendo will unveil the rumored [...]

A notable video game industry insider has shared when he believes Nintendo will unveil the rumored new model of the Switch, which many have taken to calling the Nintendo Switch Pro. Hot off the heels of a litany of rumors and reports last week that indicated such a reveal might be happening very soon, this new insider has now said that he thinks the proper unveiling will happen in just a few short days.

According to one Nick Baker, who has in recent months established himself as a trustworthy insider, Nintendo is planning to hold some sort of event this Thursday, June 3, to formally announce the Nintendo Switch Pro. Baker notes that this date might not be firm since Nintendo has a tendency to shuffle dates around internally quite a bit. However, based on the latest information that has been passed to him, we should hear something in a couple of days.

As for how this reveal might take place, well, that's something Baker isn't certain about. He says in his tweet that the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Pro could happen via a Nintendo Direct, a Nintendo Direct Mini, or any sort of other straightforward manner in which the Japanese publisher might look to make such a reveal.

Although Nintendo has yet to officially confirm that it's even looking to make a new, more powerful iteration of the Switch, these rumors and reports in relation to the potentially upgraded model have been circling for a long time at this point. Essentially, there is so much smoke surrounding this situation that we're bound to hear something directly from Nintendo pretty soon in regard to the Switch Pro. And when that does happen, we'll obviously let you know here on

Would you be excited if the Switch Pro is revealed later this week? Or are you hoping to hear something closer to E3 2021? Let me know either down in the comments or shoot me a message on Twitter at @MooreMan12.