Bandai Namco Wants Feedback Over Broken Nintendo Switch Game

Earlier this year, Bandai Namco released Tales of Symphonia Remastered on Nintendo Switch, and fans were not happy with the results. The RPG is often considered one of the best GameCube games ever made, but the Switch port left a lot to be desired. Notably, the game's load times and performance were inferior to the version that released 20 years ago. The situation was so bad that Bandai Namco promised to investigate a fix, but nothing has come of it after more than a month. Now, the publisher is asking for opinions on the game via a new survey and fans are not being shy about sharing their feelings!

A Tweet from Bandai Namco about the survey can be found embedded below.

While the survey results are private, the replies to Bandai Namco's Tweet are not. Many fans have used the opportunity to point out their continued frustration with the situation, and Bandai Namco's failure to provide any kind of updates regarding these fixes. Some fans have held off on buying the game as a result, while others have already bought the game and are trying to decide whether they should wait to play it. Bugs and performance issues are a regular issue in the video game industry, but it's a lot more frustrating when a game runs worse than the version released two decades ago!

Tales of Symphonia first released on Nintendo GameCube in 2003. At that point in the system's lifespan, it had little in the way of original RPGs, which likely helped attract more attention. Fans were immediately taken with the game's cast of characters and unique storyline. The success of Tales of Symphonia led to manga and anime adaptations, novels, drama CDs, and more. The game has a very passionate audience, and there was a lot of anticipation surrounding the remaster, as a result. Sadly, the game's state over the last few months has put a damper on things. Hopefully the survey will help Bandai Namco realize just how frustrated fans are at the moment!

Have you been disappointed with Tales of Symphonia Remastered? Are you waiting to see the game get fixed? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!