PlayStation Quest Offers Easy 20% Off Coupon

PlayStation 4 owners can get an code that takes 20 percent off of nearly any transaction for [...]

PlayStation 4 owners can get an code that takes 20 percent off of nearly any transaction for doing nothing more than watching a Detroit: Become Human trailer.

If you've been watching Sony's recent releases closely, you've probably seen the PlayStation Live content that keeps the trailers and previews moving along right up until the games' reveals. Far Cry 5 did it back in March, April was all about God of War, and now it's Detroit: Become Human's turn.

But even if you're not interested in any of these games, you can still take part in the PlayStation Live Quests that give players chances to earn prizes both in and outside of games. One of those recurring offers is for discounts in the PlayStation Store, and Detroit: Become Human's release is giving PS4 owners another chance to save on their purchases.

To get the discount code, all you have to do is head over to the PlayStation Live page and log in. Once you do so, you'll see the "Quests" tab on the bottom of the panel to the right. Clicking that will open up the section that currently contains two quests, the second of which is the PlayStation Store discount code. All you have to do to complete that quest is watch the Detroit: Become Human launch trailer. It's the same one that's seen above, but you'll have to watch it through the PlayStation Live site to successfully complete the Quest and earn the coupon.

You don't have to use the code to buy Detroit: Become Human, but you do have to do something with it sooner rather than later. This offer to earn the code expires on May 25, so you'll only have until then to complete the Quest, but the coupon itself expires on May 31.

There are a couple of limitations on what's purchasable with the code. You can't buy any type of PlayStation membership with it such as PlayStation Now or PlayStation Plus nor can you preorder a game with it. Pretty much anything else is fair game though, so you can take quite a bit off of a full-price game if there's a game or two that you've been on the fence about.

The second Quest that's available there in PlayStation Live is one that'll earn you a PS4 Pro, a Quest that'll require you to watch another Detroit: Become Human video that counts down to the game's upcoming launch on May 25.