PlayStation Is Slowing Downloads for Some During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Sony announced this week it plans on slowing down download speeds of PlayStation games for some [...]

Sony announced this week it plans on slowing down download speeds of PlayStation games for some users to ease the strain placed on the Internet by so many people staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic. The company said it's working with Internet service providers in Europe to manage download traffic and make the Internet more accessible for the community at large, so it appears the throttled downloads will only affect PlayStation users in that area, for now. Sony's president and CEO Jim Ryan thanked everyone for their understanding in the announcement and said the measure was important when it comes to preserving Internet access for everyone.

The announcement from Sony featuring Ryan's comments was shared in a post on the PlayStation Blog where the CEO explained the company's reasoning behind the measures being taken in Europe. Ryan said video games are currently providing some much needed entertainment for those at home but that it's important to make sure those games – and the Internet overall – remains accessible to everyone.

"Playing videogames enables players all over the world to connect with friends and family and enjoy much needed entertainment during these uncertain times," Ryan said. "Sony Interactive Entertainment is working with internet service providers in Europe to manage download traffic to help preserve access for the entire internet community."

To assist in the mater, Ryan said some users in Europe may experience slower downloads of games, though it appears the gameplay itself won't be affected for those who were concerned about their online experiences being impacted.

"Players may experience somewhat slower or delayed game downloads but will still enjoy robust gameplay," Ryan said. "We appreciate the support and understanding from our community, and their doing their part, as we take these measures in an effort to preserve access for everyone."

Other companies have also been asked to slow down their various services to ease the strain on the Internet as everyone stays at home and looks to streaming platforms and other means of entertainment to keep them busy. Netflix was also asked to slow down streaming speeds to assist with the matter while people at home streaming their shows and movies were asked to consider choosing a standard stream as opposed to a high definition experience.

Steam also set a record for concurrent players recently, so it's not just those on the PlayStation 4 who are turning to games more and more during these times.