Prey Has Another Unlimited Crafting Materials Recycling Glitch

Prey just can’t seem to get its crafting system sorted. As you play through Prey you’ll pick [...]

Prey just can't seem to get its crafting system sorted. As you play through Prey you'll pick up tons of random junk, which can then be put in recycling machines and turned into raw materials you use to craft health packs, ammo, and other useful stuff. Previously, players found an easy way to trick the Recycler into giving you an infinite amount of these crafting materials:

"All you have to do is take some already-recycled materials and stick them back into the recycling machine. From there, split the materials into four separate groups. Once they're divvied up into four groups go ahead and hit the recycle button, and you should get back double what you put in."

That's all there was to it! Unforutnately, Prey's party-pooper developers had to go and shut down the fun via the game's latest patch. But did they really fix the problem? It turns out there's still a way to fool the Recycler, although it's a little more labor intensive than the original method. YouTuber Terial2 walks viewers through the process in the video at the top of this post.

When you put junk into the Recycler it will tell you how many units of each crafting material you're going to get out of the machine. If that number is less than 1.00, leave your junk in the Recycler then quick save and load. When you return to the game, you'll find the Recycler has helpfully rounded up for you – you'll now get a full unit of each material. Saving and loading time and again can be a bit of a pain, but by only putting small amounts of junk in the Recycler and having the game round up for you, you can generate a lot of free materials.

Obviously, if you want to play Prey fair and square this won't matter to you, but if you're low and resources and could use some help, give this glitch a try before it gets patched up! Or, y'know, just wait until somebody finds yet another recycling glitch.

Prey is available now for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

[via PC Gamer]