New 'Rainbow Six Siege' Operator Details May Have Leaked

Rainbow Six Siege players have already seen hints of the game’s next set of Operators and the [...]

Rainbow Six Siege players have already seen hints of the game's next set of Operators and the gadgets they'll use, but new information might've leaked to give a better idea of what the two can do.

The CGI trailer above was released by Ubisoft in February and included one scene towards the end that showed a board covered in notes and pictures. It was on that board that players saw mentions of new Operators. There were references to a Danish Operator who was able to sneak around undetected, and it's that Operator and another that were the center of the most recent Rainbow Six Siege leak.

Posting on Resetera, a user who accurately shared information about Gridlock and Mozzie ahead of the Australian Operators' release dates, the same user returned with more info about the Danish Operator and another from the United States' Secret Service. Posting in a thread on Resetera, the user spoiled some info about the gadgets the two Operators will use.

"Danish attacker is invisible to cameras and has a sort of silent step similar to Cav," the user said. "Secret Service defender has a special eyesight that bypasses flashes and smokes."

The supposed leak certainly lines up with what was seen previously in Ubisoft's teasers. The incriminating note from the trailer above hinted at an Operator who would be able to "blend and adapt into environment" with the note being positioned above a map of Denmark. Caveira, the Operator referenced in the leaker's comment, has an ability called "Silent Step" which allows the Operator to move without being heard, to provide reference for what the new Danish Operator might be able to do.

Information about the rumored American Operator is new as well which suggests the Secret Service Defender will be able to bypass smoke and flashes created by other enemies. It's assumed this will be possible through the use of special eyewear or a similar gadget, though that remains to be seen until the Operators are fully revealed since none of the leaked information has been confirmed at this time.

For now, Rainbow Six Siege players have the two new Operators from Operation Burnt Horizon to contend with. The game's update that introduced the two Operators also helped reduce the game's overall file size, so players should have more room for other games now.


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