
Rockstar Games Insider Has Good News for Red Dead Redemption Fans


According to a prominent Rockstar Games journalist, both a next-gen port of Red Dead Redemption 2 and a remake/remaster of Red Dead Redemption for current platforms are in the works at Rockstar. With Red Dead Redemption 3 likely very far away and Red Dead Online slowly dying, Red Dead Redemption fans don’t currently have much to look forward to, unless the aforementioned and persistent rumors are true, and according to Rockstar Mag’s Chris’ Klippel, they are.

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Over on Twitter, Klippel relayed word that both games are being brought forward in different capacities, and it sounds like they will release alongside each other. However, it won’t be under the name “Outlaws Collection,” a name that popped up after a retailer listed the pair of games together under this name.

“Responding to several private messages at once: I was able to confirm at the end of 2020, work on the next-gen port Red Dead Redemption 2 has indeed been going on for several months at Rockstar alongside the project of the remaster/remake of the first Red Dead Redemption. The Red Dead Redemption 2ย port was to be announced much earlier. The announcement was clearly postponed due to the Red Dead Redemption remaster/remake. I don’t know anything else about it, except that the project is still running and won’t be called ‘Outlaws Collection’. “

It’s important to note that not only is everything here unofficial and subject to change, but it comes through translation. In the process of translation, sometimes vital context and meaning are lost. As for Rockstar Games, it hasn’t addressed this rumor in any capacity. It never addresses reports, rumors, leaks, or speculation, so we don’t expect this to change, but if it does, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. Additionally, if any further information is provided by Klippel, we will also update the story.

As always, leave a comment or let me know what you think via @Tyler_Fischer_ over on Twitter. Which of these two projects are you more interested in a remaster/remake of the first Red Dead Redemption game or a next-gen port of Red Dead Redemption 2?

H/T, Gaming Leaks and Rumors.