Steam Approves Completely Uncensored Adult Anime Game

For a minute there, it looked like Steam was putting regulations in place to prevent [...]


For a minute there, it looked like Steam was putting regulations in place to prevent adult-oriented games from entering its service. But it appears to have relented a little bit, as an adult title has just been approved for sale, set to go live on the site starting September 14.

The game, titled Negligee: Love Stories, is on its way from Dharker Studios, tying in with the visual novel of the same name. The developer has noted that the game will be the "first ever 100 percent uncensored game on Steam" with "no patch needed" for players to dive into.

But the game does have an age-gate behind it, as players must be logged in and create the pre-set warning that pops up on the Steam page before a purchase can be even made.

Apparently, Steam changing up its filtering tools have allowed the game to go through the approval process, requiring developers to fill out a "mature content survey," based on what Kotaku says on the matter.

The official Steam page (which we won't link here, but you can look up on the site) describes the game as not holding back on sexual content and/or nudity. The description reads: "Negligee: Love Stories features four story-lines that frequently include dialogue of sexual themes, sexual interactions and nudity and through them illustrations featuring nudity, undressing and sexual interactions as well.

The four stories include male and female sexual relations, female and female sexual relations, themes relating to pressured sexual relationships, themes relating to nymphomania, themes relating to adult sex workers, themes relating to abusive marriages and adultery.

Scenes within the game include illustrated and dialogue descriptions of male and female single partner sexual relationships, modelling, outdoor sexual activity, male and female multiple partner sexual activity and female and female single partner sexual relationships."

In fact, chapters break down some interesting titles for each segment, including Karen's Awakening, Jasmin's Stripping, Charlotte's First Love and Sophie's Temptation. So you kind of have an idea of where it's coming from.

The game's price hasn't been revealed, but it looks like it's going to be getting some interesting side content, including the original soundtrack, wallpapers and an artbook.

Negligee: Love Stories will release on September 14. Again, it's only intended for a mature audience.

(Thanks to Kotaku for the details!)