Steam Deck Gets First Ever Sale From Valve

Valve is now holding the first sale ever for its handheld PC platform, the Steam Deck. Following its initial launch back at the end of February 2022, Valve is now celebrating its first anniversary of the popular device. And while this celebration has come about with a new update for the Steam Deck today, Valve is now also looking to bring more owners into the fold by discounting the platform by a considerable margin. 

Available starting today and extending until March 23rd, Valve has now marked the Steam Deck down by 10%. This sale extends to all three variants of the Steam Deck as well rather than just the lowest tier model. As such, the 64GB Steam Deck now retails for $359.10, the 256GB SSD version is $476.10, and the 512GB SSD edition will now set you back $584.10. Although these prices are still quite steep, it's great to see that Valve is even open to making the Steam Deck available at lower prices from time to time. 

"It has been one year since we launched Steam Deck, and in celebration we're offering Steam Deck for 10% off!" Valve said in its new blog post announcing this promotion. "The discount will last for the duration of the Spring Sale, until March 23rd at 10am Pacific time. [...] Steam Deck wouldn't be such a success without everyone in the community, so we've put together a little celebration video with highlights from Steam Deck's first year, with an emphasis on all of you."

Alongside this new sale for the Steam Deck, today also happens to mark the start of Steam's massive Spring Sale. As a result, a number of the most notable games that happen to be on Steam have now received drastic discounts for the next week. So if you do happen to buy a Steam Deck as part of this offer from Valve, now would be a good time to grab some games for the platform as well. 

Are you going to look to pick up a Steam Deck now that is has finally been put on sale? Or do you already happen to own Valve's latest hardware? Be sure to let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12