This 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' Video Is Just Luigi Winning Over and Over By Doing Nothing

Move over, Mario, it's Luigi's time to shine -- and do nothing. Because that's literally what just [...]

Move over, Mario, it's Luigi's time to shine -- and do nothing. Because that's literally what just happened in the clip above when one Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player had Luigi go up against every level nine CPU and stand there like a useless NPC, and yet he still managed to win every time.

This isn't the first time this YouTuber, 'Omega Tyrant', has uploaded a video like this but he was very clear that he wanted to do a new one when Ultimate released. He mentioned that Ultimate works in a lot of ways similarly to that of Super Smash Bros. 4 and because of that, this was an easy set up to replicate.

"In some ways the AI is better, for example the AI will no longer KO itself on walkoffs outside of a few exceptions, and the AI is generally a lot better at recognizing and avoiding stage hazards, so you won't get stuff like the AI just jumping into Donkey Kong on 75M anymore," he mentioned in the video. "However the AI does some other things poorly, such as being overly aggressive, being overly cautious with stage hazards, and still having significant problems with stage navigation.

"The big difference compared to Smash 4 is that I was able to get so much more stage variety due to the much more expansive stagelist and the AI + air dodge changes making the CPUs more SD-liable in general; in Smash 4 I got victories on 20 unique stages, with 5 of them being walkoffs that exploited the AI's basic walkoff issue while some stages were used several times, whereas in Ultimate I was able to get victories on 58 unique stages, including 1 more unique stage for the finale clip, as well as not using any stage for more than 3 characters. I am extremely pleased I was able to get so much stage variety and avoid having to frequently resort to a same few "trump card" stages, stage variety was a big priority in the Ultimate version to avoid the 75M/Orbital Gate Assault monotony the Smash 4 version had."

He also included the Piranha Plant as well now that the DLC character finally made its way into the game.

The YouTuber added a few "debunk" comments as well, saying "For a couple things I'll address here, I accidentally had Luigi as player 1 against Mario, DK, and Link, as I was doing the characters in CSS order and initially forgot about doing the player 2 thing, however the ports don't matter and I only have Luigi as P2 for thematic flare, so I left those matches as is as I liked how they turned out. I additionally accidentally had the final smash meter on against Samus and Dark Samus, however they had no effect on the matches and would have only made me lose anyway if they got their final smash, so I left those matches as is."

It's pretty funny to see it in action how doing so little can still count as a big win. You can see other Smash videos like this over on his YouTube channel right here.