'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate': New Fighting Mechanic Has Fans Worried

Though the hype for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch is through the roof, some [...]

Though the hype for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch is through the roof, some players have expressed worries about the upcoming game's fighting mechanics, namely the "Balloon Effect."

Reddit user 'ItszzJak' took to the forums to express their worries and though some tried to reassure them that it won't play like they're thinking, others chimed in that they felt the same way.

According to his post about what the "Balloon Effect" means for the game following an opponent being hit, "From what I can see although I may be wrong, I feel like this balloon effect really inhibits the combo potential for all characters in Ultimate, despite the increased hit stun. From what I can see, moves are knocking people away at the speed of light which from what I've noticed really hurts combo potential after around 30%. It seems like there are just no follow ups to any hits and I'm not sure if I like that at all."

They added, "Personally I think a possible solution would be to remove the balloon effect entirely, it is also so hard to follow the direction people are sent after say an up-tilt that sends them upwards or something. Idk this feature is just extremely weird to me and I'm puzzled as to why they would add this in after deciding to increase hit stun across the board. Despite this I may be wrong and maybe this balloon effect really doesn't do all that much in terms of combo, please respond and let me know if so."

The Redditor also mentioned that they are aware that gameplay footage for a new game isn't always the best thing to go off of, especially with limited-time experience with new mechanics, but that they are still worried this means a new direction for the franchise away from combos.

Luckily a fellow Redditor added some perspective that may make others with the same concerns feel a little better. According to Nairo via the OP, "the balloon effect only really comes into play when you are hit with large, heavy moves that are impossible to combo from anyways, such a Bair from Ganondorf for example at higher percents. Personally I still see this effect coming into play at lower percents with weaker moves though but I may be wrong."

What do you guys think about the Balloon Effect? Is the original poster right to be concerned, or is it too early to tell? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below!