'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's' Inkling Has Some Insane Combos

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now and smashing records left and right! For good reason [...]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now and smashing records left and right! For good reason too with the largest roster in the franchise's history, filled with fighters that came as a surprise to all. With the eclectic options to choose from, some players can't help but to focus on one in particular for their sweet, sweet fightin' moves: Inkling.

inkling has some crazy combos from r/SmashBrosUltimate

One Redditor took to the game's forums to show off a clip of Inkling's combos in action and they definitely don't fail to impress. The Splatoon hero definitely knows what it takes to survive in Nintendo's other big online game, and it looks like they stayed true to her skillset over in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as well.

Other Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players chimed in with their own opinions on the fighter, most agreeing that they are way more of an asset than they thought. Given their diversified moves and classic Splatoon style, they are definitely not a throwaway character to capitalize on another game's success. Inkling - if used correctly - can completely control the flow of battle. Chain up the right attacks, and it's a victory in no time.

As for the game itself, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now live exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. People can't get enough of the latest entry into the beloved franchise, with impressive scores across the board. Though that's not to say it's without fault:

"But as much as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate excels in the single-player arena, it falters in online play and in the simplest menus like the character select screen. Online modes in Smash Bros. games have never been perfect, but with the new game being the "Ultimate" experience combined with Nintendo's paid online service, one would expect an online component that runs better than the one players have now. It's laggy more often than it feels like it should be, and that's not to mention the input lag that players have reported experiencing depending on what controller they're using (the GameCube controller is supposedly the worst offender here, a concerning development if true seeing how it's the preferred input device of many Smashers)," reads our full review.

But just because the online game has some roadbumps, doesn't mean that it's not a huge hit. The World of Light story mode is hailed for its progression and unique take on a narrative, and the game itself is filled to the brim with nostalgic perfection.

What are your thoughts on the latest fighting title from Nintendo? Love it, hate it, or still waiting for the final verdict? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!