The Witcher Kids Show Announced by Netflix

The Witcher might be a property that is largely aimed at mature audiences, but those over at Netflix are soon going to look to change that perception. As part of a series of new announcements involving The Witcher that took place during Netflix's TUDUM event today, it was revealed that the streaming platform is working on a new TV series that will be aimed at all audiences. 

Although not much is currently known about this new show, The Witcher showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich announced today that the series is in the works right now and will be of a much different tone. Hissrich said specifically that the show will be "fun-filled" but didn't go on to offer up any more details on the project. Whether or not it will be a TV series that is of the live-action or animated variety also remains to be seen.

As mentioned, this new Witcher TV show was just one announcement amongst many that Netflix made over the course of today. Some of the other big reveals from Netflix included the development of a second anime film and the advent of Season 3 for The Witcher. In addition, Netflix showed off a number of new looks at Season 2 of The Witcher, which is set to debut later this year in December. All in all, Netflix is definitely pushing all of its chips in when it comes to The Witcher franchise and clearly believes that it can turn this property into a household name. 

For now, there remains very little that we know about this new kids' show set within The Witcher universe. As of this writing, it seems likely that we won't start to learn more about what form it will take until some point in 2022. Whenever we do have new details on the project, however, we'll update you here on

So what do you think about the idea of a new Witcher TV series that is aimed at younger audiences? If you're someone who has children, is this something that excites you? Let me know your thoughts either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.