Uncharted Movie Coming to Netflix

Sony Pictures made the massive announcement this week that it has partnered with Netflix to bring [...]

Sony Pictures made the massive announcement this week that it has partnered with Netflix to bring all of its 2022 releases to the streaming platform. The move is one that will see movies associated with the Spider-Man franchise including Morbius, Venom, Into the Spider-Verse, and many others coming to Netflix with an exclusivity window of 18-months. And while the Spider-Man films might be the most notable titles coming to the streaming service, Sony's upcoming Uncharted movie is also included here.

Yes, the film adaptation of Uncharted starring Tom Holland will be heading to Netflix next year. This means that if you can't happen to get to the theater to see it in its original run in early 2022, you'll be able to watch it from the comfort of your own home on Netflix later. At this point in time, Sony and Netflix haven't announced a specific window or date in which the movie might arrive on the service, however.

The caveat with this whole situation is that Uncharted won't be coming to Netflix at the exact same time as its theatrical release. Although Warner Bros. has been doing this practice throughout 2021 with HBO Max and movies like Godzilla vs. Kong, Mortal Kombat, The Suicide Squad, and many others, Sony's films will only arrive after they have first come to theaters. So if you want to see Uncharted as soon as humanly possible, you'll have to buy a movie ticket.

At this point in time, we still, unfortunately, haven't seen anything from Uncharted. Although the movie's filming period has been done for quite some time now, a trailer for the project still hasn't emerged just yet. In addition, Tom Holland himself has also expressed some concern that he had with his own performance in the film.

In all likelihood, we should see a trailer for Uncharted debut at some point later this year. Whenever that does happen, we'll end up sharing the news with you here at ComicBook.com once it breaks.

Uncharted is slated to release next year on February 18, 2022.