WWE Star Big Show Teases Tears After Bungie Gives Him Life-Size Destiny 2 Weapon

During a very special segment of the E3 Coliseum, WWE superstar and hardcore gamer Big Show was [...]

During a very special segment of the E3 Coliseum, WWE superstar and hardcore gamer Big Show was interviewing Bungie CEO Pete Parsons about what he, and we as fans, can expect when Destiny 2 launches on September 6. Most importantly, Big Show wanted to know when he could get access to some codes for an early build of the game. Apparently this was happening throughout E3, and not just during the interview. Parsons decides to shut Big Show down, but he's a big dude, so he brought some weaponry along to help him out. Skip ahead to the 15:40 mark to see how the exchange goes down:

So that may have been a bit anticlimactic, but it was pretty touching. Parsons, after a very brief and indirect threat (which was effective), proceeded to gift Big Show with a life-size replica of "Cold Heart," one of the new exotic weapons in Destiny 2.

You can see that Big Show has a big heart, and he's clearly touched by the gesture. He takes the weapon and immediately clutches it close to his chest. His face breaks into a gentle and content smile, and he teases, "If you've never seen a seven-foot, 37o-pound nerd cry you're about to. This is just absolutely beautiful, and no, y'all can't have it." This is the type of person who orders those $300 collector's editions of games that come with huge statues that we can never justify or understand. This is the demographic to whom Ubisoft is appealing with its $800 Assassin's Creed: Origins collector's edition.

While there isn't any breaking Destiny 2 news leaked in the rest of the interview, it's still worth watching -- especially for those of you who love Big Show. Sure enough, mere minutes after the gift as Parsons is talking about the different ways Bungie gives back to its fans and to charities around the world, Big Show interrupts him, stirring the audience to laughter by aiming his new weapon at Parsons and demanding codes.

What a goof.