Xbox Insider Teases E3 2021 Announcements

Xbox and Bethesda announced earlier this week that it would be holding its annualized summer press [...]

Xbox and Bethesda announced earlier this week that it would be holding its annualized summer press event in just a few short weeks on June 13. While it teased that Halo Infinite and Bethesda Game Studios' Starfield would be two of the games on tap to appear in the presentation, we really don't know what else Microsoft might have in store for this event. Luckily, one insider has now provided some additional details when it comes to what we can expect.

According to a recent forum post by a user named Klobrille, who in the past has had some scoops related to Xbox, the company is potentially going to reveal up to five new games during this forthcoming showcase. Klobrille included Bethesda in this as well, meaning that the five titles in question will be coming from both Bethesda and Xbox Game Studios. "For this year including [Xbox Game Studios] and Bethesda, so far, I do think I already know about 5 completely new, AAA titles being announced this Summer," Klobrille indicated. "Some more expected than others. Plans are still fluctuating though."

As for what else fans should expect to see from Xbox this year, it was also said that more gameplay will be shown off compared to what we saw last year. The last instance in which Xbox held an event of this sort, it really didn't feature a whole lot of gameplay from its upcoming titles, but that seemingly won't hold true this year. "At the end of the day, I think it is a fair expectation that gameplay trailers and/or demos should have a bigger presence at least for the already announced things coming this and next year," Klobrille made clear.

Obviously, this is all just speculation, but if any of these suggestions do happen to come true, it sounds like Xbox's press event could be very much worth the watch. No matter what might end up appearing during this year's presentation, we'll be sure to share all of the latest news with you here on as it develops.