Idle Hands Getting the "Definitive" Blu-ray Treatment

04/07/2020 08:44 am EDT

Horror fans in the late '90s were experiencing a trend of self-referential movies that served as somewhat satirical parodies of the subgenres they belonged to, while 1999's Idle Hands instead served as a genuine blend of humor and horror in its depictions of a stoner whose hand becomes possessed by supernatural forces. In addition to embracing the slapstick spirit of horror films from a bygone era, Idle Hands also starred a number of burgeoning performers, including Devon Sawa, Seth Green, and Jessica Alba. The film is heading to Blu-ray in a "definitive" Collector's Edition from Scream Factory, which hits shelves on May 12th.

Scream Factory describes the film, "Anton Tobias (Devon Sawa, Final Destination) is a channel-surfing, junk-food-munching, couch-potato burn-out who can't control the murderous impulses of his recently possessed hand. With the help of his zombified buddies, Mick (Seth Green, Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery) and Pnub (Elden Henson, Daredevil), Anton's got to stop the rampaging devil appendage before it takes total control of his life and ruins any chance he has with class hottie Molly (Jessica Alba, Dark Angel). Vivica A. Fox (Kill Bill) and Jack Noseworthy (Event Horizon) co-star in this wickedly funny horror-comedy."

Details about the film's special features have yet to be revealed, though Scream Factory shared on Facebook that this release will be the "definitive Blu-ray edition" of the film. The distributor also noted, "Director Rodman Flender is very much on board and our production team is working hard to secure cast & more."

(Photo: Scream Factory)

While the film might not have been a major success initially, it has earned a cult following over the decades, with star Sawa previously revealing he'd gladly take part in a follow-up film if the original cast and crew could come together for it.

"I would love that to happen but unfortunately the first one didn't… I think it broke even or something like that, but you never know," Sawa shared with last year. "[I'd do it] in a heartbeat. If there was one film that I want to do a sequel to that would be the one. Just because that set was, between Elden, and Seth Green, and Vivica Fox, Alba, Jack Noseworthy, and all those people, it was like summer camp and it was so much fun."

Idle Hands is now available for preorder through Scream Factory and Amazon before it hits shelves on May 12th.

Will you be adding the film to your collection? Let us know in the comments below or contact Patrick Cavanaugh directly on Twitter to talk all things Star Wars and horror!

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