Blumhouse Releases Trailer for New Horror Movie Dashcam

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent quarantine protocols saw people around the world attempting to tap into creative outlets, with director Rob Savage developing, filming, and releasing the horror movie Host and earning acclaim from the genre community. The success of the adventure resulted in Blumhouse Productions taking notice, as they enlisted him to develop a new movie, with the resulting experience being Dashcam. After being showcased at a number of different festivals, Dashcam has now earned an official release date, with the film's just-released trailer teasing the terror of the experience. Check out the trailer below for Dashcam before it hits theaters and On Demand on June 3rd.

In the film, "In the midst of lockdown, musician Annie has been livestreaming with her fans, taking their comments, and turning them into rap lyrics as she drives around downtown Los Angeles. Exasperated by her pandemic lifestyle, Annie escapes to the UK to visit her old band mate Stretch, livestreaming the whole way. Her arrival and behavior incite contempt from Stretch's girlfriend, and she causes chaos when tagging along on his food delivery job.

"After an argument, Annie runs off with Stretch's car and phone, using them to take over his food pickups where she encounters a stranger who asks her for a delivery of a different kind: a frail elderly woman called Angela who is being followed by someone looking to do her harm. Annie identifies with Angela's plight and with the added incentive of an envelope of cash, she agrees to deliver Angela to a safe address out of town.

"Annie and Stretch soon find themselves caught up in a twisted plan with sinister forces at work, and as the night progresses and the chaos builds, they must fight for their lives against a supernatural creature intent on making Annie its new host."

While Host was lauded for replicating the experience of conducting a seance on Zoom, Savage previously detailed how this project served as somewhat of a spiritual follow-up, but that he doesn't want to be known for only one filmmaking style.

"I don't want to be the Zoom guy," Savage shared with about a new film moving to a different filmmaking format. "I love found footage and I'm really excited to work in the found-footage genre more. This has really got me fired up about doing more in that space. I think if we were to do another Zoom film and do it straight, just playing in the same sandboxes as Host, it's gonna be a case of diminishing returns. So I think the idea that we've got as a follow-up, which is a follow-up, I wouldn't call it a direct sequel, but it's a spiritual sequel. And I think nobody's gonna see it coming. I think it's gonna step up from what Host did, and I think it's gonna surprise a lot of people."  

Dashcam hits theaters and On Demand on June 3rd.

Are you looking forward to the new movie? Let us know in the comments below or contact Patrick Cavanaugh directly on Twitter to talk all things Star Wars and horror!