Kevin Smith Updates Fans on Smodcastle Opening, Hopes Pandemic Passes in Time

The threat of the novel coronavirus has affected lives all around the world and has caused the [...]

The threat of the novel coronavirus has affected lives all around the world and has caused the cancelation and postponement of events, film releases, and productions. One such event was the opening of Kevin Smith's Smodcastle, which was supposed to take place in Leonardo, New Jersey in April, but was moved to July. Back in November, Smith announced he was re-opening SModcastle. For those who might be unaware, the Smodcastle was an interesting sort of podcasting/live theater/comedy space in L.A. that opened in 2010. Smith recently took to Instagram to update fans on the opening, holding out hope that the July date will get to remain.

"I shudder to share this, 'lest I run the risk of someone telling me to grow up (I can't) or to take #covid_19 more seriously (I already do), but... If the Pandemic passes, we aim to open the new #smodcastle in the ol' #quickstop building in #leonardonj this July (on the 10 year anniversary of the original SModcastle that the great @cameltoad and I launched in L.A.)! Rick Derris himself @odblues7 is hard at work with the construction and painting (see the video on my @youtube channel), and now the @madeyalooksigns team of Father and Son have put up our window art! I know the world's on fire at the moment, but if it ever goes back to some semblance of normal, I'd like to still have things to look forward to. And I look forward to making something fun with my friends again - a place to record live podcasts, hold script readings, screen movies and host standup nights! All a mere fifty feet from where I shot my first film! It's a dopey dream - one that we put in motion before the #corona came - but we're gonna keep dreaming it while dreaming is still an option. I've tried worrying, but worry is interest paid in advance on a debt that never comes due. Between worrying and dreaming (both of which merely invent ideas about possible futures, not the inevitability or even the likelihood) I enjoy the latter more," Smith wrote. You can check out the post below:

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I shudder to share this, ‘lest I run the risk of someone telling me to grow up (I can’t) or to take #covid_19 more seriously (I already do), but... If the Pandemic passes, we aim to open the new #smodcastle in the ol’ #quickstop building in #leonardonj this July (on the 10 year anniversary of the original SModcastle that the great @cameltoad and I launched in L.A.)! Rick Derris himself @odblues7 is hard at work with the construction and painting (see the video on my @youtube channel), and now the @madeyalooksigns team of Father and Son have put up our window art! I know the world’s on fire at the moment, but if it ever goes back to some semblance of normal, I’d like to still have things to look forward to. And I look forward to making something fun with my friends again - a place to record live podcasts, hold script readings, screen movies and host standup nights! All a mere fifty feet from where I shot my first film! It’s a dopey dream - one that we put in motion before the #corona came - but we’re gonna keep dreaming it while dreaming is still an option. I’ve tried worrying, but worry is interest paid in advance on a debt that never comes due. Between worrying and dreaming (both of which merely invent ideas about possible futures, not the inevitability or even the likelihood) I enjoy the latter more. #KevinSmith #ernieodonnell #newjersey #thefuture

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Earlier this month, Smith explained on his show Fatman Beyond why he wasn't afraid of the new coronavirus. Of course, a lot has changed over the last two weeks, and we're willing to bet he'd speak of COVID-19 a little differently now, but here's what he previously said: "I'm not really scared of the coronavirus. Obviously, I'm not in the high-risk groups and stuff, but I just spent like for the last four months [in] 67 f***ing cities, three countries, during which time I saw tons of f***ing people every night, including we did pictures after the screening, hugging, f***ing people taking pictures, hugging them again, and off they went." Smith feels very confident that his body is as strong as ever. "I didn't even get a f***ing cold on the road nor did I get the flu and shit, so I think my immune system is functioning," he explained.

For those who are worried about the spread of the coronavirus, the CDC offers a litany of tips, including covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding large gatherings or close contact with people who are sick, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.