Pentagon Launches UFO Website With New Declassified Data

A new website for AARO, the DoD's new All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, includes newly declassified UFO materials.

The United States Department of Defense is increasing its public stance on UFOs and UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) in a big way. Friday, the Pentagon unveiled a new website for AARO, the Department's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. In short, UAP sightings from both members of the United States Armed Forces and commercial airline pilots get routed through AARO, which tries to determine the nature of the sighting.

"Welcome to the website for the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).  Our team of experts is leading the U.S. government's efforts to address Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach," AARO boss Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick writes on the new website.

He adds, "Since its establishment in July 2022, AARO has taken important steps to improve data collection, standardize reporting requirements, and mitigate the potential threats to safety and security posed by UAP.  We look forward to using this site to regularly update the public about AARO's work and findings, and to provide a mechanism for UAP reporting."

The site, found here, includes both information about the office itself in addition to newly declassified reports and videos regarding UAP. The launch also comes just weeks after Kirkpatrick wrote a scathing letter in response to the House Oversight Committee's hearing on UAPs.

"I cannot let yesterday's hearing pass without sharing how insulting it was to the officers of the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community who chose to join AARO, many with not unreasonable anxieties about the career risks this would entail," Kirkpatrick wrote in the letter. Since then, Kirkpatrick has confirmed the authenticity of the letter, which was initially visible to only the official's connections on the professional social network.

"They are truth-seekers, as am I," Kirkpatrick added. "But you certainly would not get that impression from yesterday's hearing."

During the hearing, featuring three former members of the Armed Forces, one witness said the United States had not only retrieved aircraft not of this planet, but "non-human biologics" as well.

"As I've stated publicly already … biologics came with some of these recoveries, yeah," Grusch said in response to a question from Rep. Nancy Mace (R-NC). When pressed on if those biologics were human or extraterrestrial, the official confirmed "non-human" biologics are what have been recovered from certain UFO crashes.

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