Ryan Reynolds Replies to Hugh Jackman's Birthday Tweet by Calling Him a Monster

Hugh Jackman recently tweeted a pretty heartfelt celebration of Ryan Reynolds' birthday, and the [...]

Hugh Jackman recently tweeted a pretty heartfelt celebration of Ryan Reynolds' birthday, and the birthday boy responded exactly how you would expect.

Reynolds recently quote-tweeted Jackman's birthday tweet to him, remarking that the Wolverine actor is "a monster" who lies about being from Australia. You can check out the tweet below.

While Jackman and Reynolds have teamed up here and there in recent years - and Reynolds has certainly slipped a fair share of Wolverine jokes into the Deadpool movies - it sounds like the pair's Marvel characters won't be uniting onscreen anytime soon.

"Look, if that movie had appeared ten years ago, it'd be a totally different story," Jackman said during a Q&A for Logan. "But I knew 2.5 years ago that this was the last one. The first call I made was to Jim [Mangold]. I said, 'Jim, I got one more shot at this.' As soon as I got with Jim and started working on the idea of it, I was never more excited. But it feels like the right time… Deadpool, go for it, man. You do your thing. You don't need me."

Granted, both Deadpool and Wolverine's big-screen futures are kind of in flux right now, with Deadpool sequels still being developed despite the Disney/Fox merger. But Jackman coming back as Wolverine might not be as clear-cut, even with the Marvel Cinematic Universe of it all.

"It's interesting because for the whole 17 years I kept thinking that [Wolverine joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe] would be so great." Jackman explained late last year. "Like I would love to see, particularly, Iron Man and the Hulk and Wolverine together. And every time I saw an Avengers movie I could just see Wolverine in the middle of all of them like punching them all on the head. But it was like, 'Oh well, that's not gonna happen.' and it was interesting just when I first saw that headline — it was just the possibility of it and who knows what's gonna happen, obviously — I was like, "Hang on!" But I think, unfortunately, the ship has sailed for me, but for someone else I would like to see Wolverine in there."

What do you think of Reynolds' response to Jackman's birthday tweet? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.