'Captain Marvel': Raising Money For Kids To See The Movie More Challenging Than 'Black Panther'

It appears Frederick Joseph, creator of the Black Panther Challenge and now the Captain Marvel [...]

It appears Frederick Joseph, creator of the Black Panther Challenge and now the Captain Marvel Challenge, isn't receiving as much support for Cap as he did for Black Panther.

At least, not as of yet. Joseph kicked off the Captain Marvel Challenge in hopes to replicate the success of the Black Panther Challenge, which ended up raising enough to send 73,000 kids to see Black Panther. This time he hopes to send as many girls as he can to see Captain Marvel, but as he recently told explained, this challenge hasn't received as much support so far.

"I was hoping this would receive more traction than the last challenge," Joseph told CNN.

To be fair, the campaign has already raised $29,455 thousand in 17 days which has exceeded the $20,000 goal. That said, the original Black Panther Challenge raised over $50,000, and then caught on so much that others created more campaigns, raising over $1 million overall.

It did help when Captain Marvel's Brie Larson threw her support in, saying "She's coming! If you have the means, please donate to the GoFundMe in my bio to help girls from various backgrounds in the Los Angeles area see the film. I'm working on getting something together for the other parts of the US and rest of the world, stay tuned💪"

"We did see some more donations from her support, but not as many as we would have hoped for," Joseph said. "I think there's a larger conversation to be had around how much support women receive and lack thereof."

That's why Joseph teamed with GoFundMe to up the ante on the challenge and is encouraging others to start their own challenges. For 25 of those new campaigns, GoFundMe is donating $100 to them, and you can find out more about that below.

"I think it's going to be a very interesting case study to see the rallying around women versus the rallying around black people," Joseph said.

"Marvel has built up this world and coming into it is this woman, who is the most powerful person in their world," Joseph said. "In the era that we live in politically and socially, that says a lot and it means a lot, and it's going to mean a lot for girls."

At the moment the goal is to send 50,000 girls to theaters to go see Captain Marvel on opening day. Joseph thinks it's also important for boys to see someone like Captain Marvel hit the big screen, though the campaign itself is focusing on girls.

"It is important that boys see women in these positive roles where they are represented as strong, bold, powerful and equal. Well, not only equal, sometimes just better," Joseph told CNN. "But we're specifically taking girls."

You can check out the #CaptainMarvelChallenge right here.

Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8th.