Sony Considering More 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' Spinoff Films

Now that Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse has an Academy Award under its belt, the team at Sony [...]

Now that Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse has an Academy Award under its belt, the team at Sony Pictures Animation has reportedly started to look into expanding the universe quicker than originally thought. In a new report from Discussing Film, Sony is looking into other spinoffs in addition to the previously-reported Spider-Verse sequel and all-female spinoff.

Though the report says they [Sony] might be looking into the spinoffs in the near future, they are focusing on the sequel and all-female spinoff as of now. Discussing Film say Shameik Moore and Hailee Steinfeld, the voices of Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy, respectively, have already signed on for a sequel.

More spinoffs shouldn't be surprising for fans of the budding franchise. In addition to the Oscar win and above-average box office return, Spider-Verse producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller previously told that they wanted Spider-Verse to serve as a springboard into the future.

"Look, we wanted to make a movie that felt like it was the tip of the iceberg," Lord admitted. "You could imagine all of these other things. So it's music to our ears that people could imagine a Spider-Noir film, and the Spider-Ham insane cartoon."

"Right. We still have the horse," Miller said. "We've got to put the cart behind it. So we'll let it ride down the road a few blocks before we get too big for our britches."

Commercially speaking, Into The Spider-Verse grossed $362.8 million dollars at the worldwide box office, $187.3 million, of which, came domestically. The film reportedly had a $90 million budget.

In addition to winning the Best Animated Feature Oscar at the 91st Academy Awards, Into The Spider-Verse won similar awards at the Golden Globes and Critics' Choice Awards. It also won a similar BAFTA Award while Lord, Miller, Amy Pascal, and Avi Arad won Producer of the Year in Animation awards from the PGA when

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is now available as a digital download and will be available for home media release on March 19th.

What Into The Spider-Verse spin-offs would you like to see? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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