Ever since the Marvel Television show first premiered, Agents of SHIELD has built many connections and dropped multiple Easter eggs for eagle-eyed fans, but one might have gone unnoticed until recently.
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A fan on Reddit noticed that Qovas, one of the villains in the latest season of the series, actually appeared all the way back in The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton.
When you’re watching The Incredible Hulk for the first time and you realize Qovas infiltrated Earth years ago. from r/shield
Now, it’s not clear if this was an intentional tie-in, but it is convenient and could easily be retconned. Actor Peter Mensah probably just took two different roles separated by about nine years, and now he’s got Marvel fans concocting theories.
But it could make a lot of sense. For those who don’t know, Qovas is an alien known as a Remorath and is a member of the Confederacy, a union of species that feinted protecting Earth from Thanos in his quest for the Infinity Stones.
Qovas was shown to be keeping watch of Earth and flashbacks showed that he struck a deal with HYDRA after the events of the first Avengers movie.
The actor Mensah portrayed General Thunderbolt Ross’s subordinate in The Incredible Hulk, but the series could easily explain that this was actually Qovas attempting to infiltrate humanity. The Confederacy’s goal in Agents of SHIELD was to acquire Gravitonium and Inhumans.
Perhaps Qovas was simply trying to obtain another powerful being, hoping to abduct the Hulk for his goals in the Confederacy.
Of course, none of this is canon until someone actually involved with the show comes out and makes the connection. And given that Qovas was killed by the agents, it’s unlikely that the actor will appear to bridge these two plots.
Mensah is not the only actor to play two roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as Alfre Woodard has appeared both on the big screen and on the Netflix series.
She first portrayed a grieving mother in Captain America: Civil War and inspires Iron Man to take more accountability when she tells him that the Avengers’ battles resulted in the death of her son.
Woodard also played the villain Mariah Dillard in the first two seasons of Luke Cage. This connection cannot be easily explained, unlike Mensah who has the benefit of being a powerful alien.
Don’t get your hopes for SHIELD and Hulk to cross over any time soon, but these are the types of fun connections Marvel fans like to make in the grand scheme of things.