Ant-Man and the Wasp introduced Michelle Pfeiffer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Janet Van Dyne, the original Wasp. However, Janet first appeared in the original Ant-Man, though she only appeared briefly and in full costume so no actor was needed. Newly revealed concept art from the original Ant-Man shows a different version of what Janet’s Wasp costume could have looked like.
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The artwork was revealed on Twitter by Marvel Studios senior concept artist Jackson Sze.
“Took a pass at designing Janet’s Wasp suit for the original Ant-Man film. Wanted to keep the retro technology feel established in Hank Pym’s Ant-Man suit. Check out Andy Park’s posts for the final version you see in the film!
Take a look below:
Took a pass at designing Janet’s Wasp suit for the original #Antman film. Wanted to keep the retro technology feel established in Hank Pym’s Antman suit. Check out @andyparkart posts for the final version you see in the film! #AntManAndTheWasp
โ Jackson Sze (@JacksonSze) August 2, 2018
The original Ant-Man showed the mission in which Janet sacrificed herself to stop a missile attack. Ant-Man and the Wasp revealed a bit more about Janet’s family life with Hank Pym, her husband and original Ant-Man, and their daughter Hope, the new Wasp, through flashback scenes. More flashback scenes were planned for the film, but like the Yellowjacket suit, they were ultimately not included in the film. Director Peyton Reed previously explained why.
“It’s tricky, because we talked a lot about how to introduce [Hank and Janet], and I always wanted to see some glimpse of them in the ’80s,” Reed said. “We talked about doing action sequences, we shot some stuff, and it just felt like… I think I’ve learned this along the way – as much as, as a fan, I want to see flashbacks, the present tense story is the thing. That’s the thing that really matters to me – and also that I felt like it didn’t want to be active. It really wanted to be emotional grounding, because after all, this is a movie called Ant-Man and the Wasp. It really has to be about the emotion of a daughter finding her mother after all this time.
“This movie was always going to be Hope finally having the thing that she wanted so badly in the first movie: to be a hero,” Reed said. “But it occurred to us along the way, and I talked to Evangeline about this a lot as we were developing the story and then the script, which was she’s finally Wasp. Scott has Hank as a mentor, and the one person that Hope would want to turn to who’s been there and done that is her mom, and she hasn’t been around for 30 years. And now that there’s actually this kernel of a chance that she could still be alive, and they could actually find her, it’s not only about a reunion with her, but this person who is the ultimate role model for her.”
Hank also had a few different versions of his costumes revealed via concept art, including one of him in the Yellowjacket suit.
Ant-Man and the Wasp is now playing in theaters.
Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers movie on May 3, 2019, Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.