
President Ross Won’t Be Red Hulk Again But Here Are 5 Characters Who Could

With the Red Hulk era behind him, these five characters could take the mantle next.

Red Hulk vs Sam Wilson Captain America 4

Captain America: Brave New World is out, and fans have been treated to several new faces to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Shira Haas as Ruth Bat-Seraph and Giancarlo Esposito as Seth Voelker / Sidewinder. However, a big part of the draw for audiences is the return of several past characters, including Tim Blake Nelson as Samuel Sterns (last seen in 2008โ€™s The Incredible Hulk) and Harrison Ford (filling in for the late William Hurt) as Thaddeus โ€œThunderboltโ€ Ross. Referencing his characterโ€™s evolution in the comics, Ross turns into the Red Hulk and dukes it out with Anthony Mackieโ€™s Captain America during the filmโ€™s climax.

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WARNING: Spoilers below for Captain America: Brave New World

Of course, those whoโ€™ve seen the movie know that it ends with Ross returning to his regular human state and being incarcerated at the Raft. He also meets with his estranged daughter Betty Ross (Liv Tyler), who helps restore his humanity. Clearly, President Ross wonโ€™t be turning into the Red Hulk in future MCU projects. But that leaves us with the question: Are there any other characters who could?

Robert Maverick

In the comics, Robert Maverick is a four-star general who was chosen by Avengers Idea Mechanics (which was formed from the remains of the supervillain organization Advanced Idea Mechanics, better known as A.I.M.) to participate in an experiment that turned him into a Red Hulk. But instead of gamma radiation, Maverick uses a high-tech device called the Hulk Plug-In which allows him to hulk out for only an hour at a time, giving him more control over the rage monster.

While Maverick hasnโ€™t appeared in the MCU yet, he could be introduced as a military leader participating in any number of secret projects. A.I.M. was featured in Iron Man 3, so why not bring them back, but as an organization that works for Avengers?

Carl Creel

Carl Creel is one of the Hulkโ€™s oldest foes. His original superpower was the ability to absorb the properties of any substance he touches (i.e. if he touches metal, then his body becomes metallic), making him a pretty dangerous foe. However, when he was infused with gamma energy, he turned into a large hulk-like creature called Red Dog. He continued his villainous streak in this new form but decided to walk on the side of the angels and join the Canadian superhero group, Gamma Flight.

Carl Creel was already introduced in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., whose place in MCU continuity is shaky at best. Still, that doesnโ€™t preclude Marvel Studios from rebooting the character with the same actor or starting over from scratch before putting him in a future project.

Betty Ross

Thatโ€™s right, Bruce Bannerโ€™s old flame. Because almost everyone in Bruceโ€™s life gets the opportunity to hulk out, it only makes sense that Betty would get her chance, as well. But because sheโ€™s the daughter of Thaddeus โ€œThunderboltโ€ Ross, she takes on a crimson hue. However, thatโ€™s not her only transformation; she would eventually become brainwashed into becoming a violent, destructive version of herself called then Harpy with a frighteningly demonic appearance.

Now that Bettyโ€™s back, itโ€™s only a matter of time before Marvel Studios gives her the gamma-ray treatment; thereโ€™ve been rumors of a World War Hulk movie for years, so that may be a great time for her to appear. Although the Harpy might be a little too intense for Disney.

Clayton Cortez

Writer Greg Pak and artist Mike Deodato Jr. created the character Clayton Cortez, who was experimented on and given superhuman powers, becoming Weapon H. In addition to the Hulkโ€™s size and strength, Weapon H also has Woleverineโ€™s claws and healing ability, as well as the powers of other mutants. As if he wasnโ€™t dangerous enough already, Weapon H would later discover that he can โ€œgamma switch,โ€ meaning he can tap into the abilities of other hulks, including sprouting a set of demonic wings.

Wolverineโ€™s been welcomed into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which means his DNA is out there for someone to snatch and inject into a hapless volunteer. And with the introduction of adamantium, you know that the Weapon X project canโ€™t be far behind.

Bruce Banner

You read that right, Bruce Banner, the original Hulk, could become the next Red Hulk. You see, in the comics, Bruce has another Hulk variant in his psyche called Joe Fixit, whoโ€™s grey instead of green and is actually quite intelligent, to the point of being ruthlessly manipulative. During the horror-tinged Immortal Hulk comic book series, Joe Fixit is exposed to cosmic energy from the hellish realm called the Below-Place, which greatly increases his physical strength.

Itโ€™s a pretty wild storyline, one that might need to be diluted a bit if Marvel Studios were ever to adapt it. Still, Joe Fixit is a beloved version of the Hulk that would blow fansโ€™ minds if he was given the silver screen treatment. And having him turn into a Red Hulk? Please make this happen, Marvel Studios.

Who do you think could become the next Red Hulk? Let us know in the comments!