“Back Breaker” starts with Auntie Chantelle performing a voodoo ritual. Eventually she gets to her final location and notices a Roxxon pipe in a nearby alleyway.
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At school, Evita’s in Father Delgado’s class and he’s talking about about heroes and what makes somebody heroic. As he’s talking, we see a shot of Tandy burning a picture of her father.
At O’Reilly’s house, police are investigating the murder of Fuchs. As the police carry the body out, O’Reilly notices blood on an umbrella by the door and upon further inspection, she finds a pipe under the couch which was used to bludgeon Fuchs to death.
Ty’s with his parents at the police station and they’re informed that the police department is opening the case back into Billy’s death due to Detective Connors’ video-taped confession. As they’re walking back to their car, Ty yells at his parents because they didn’t believe him all these years.
Chantelle returns home to a worried-sick Evita as we find out her aunt has been gone overnight. Chantelle starts going on a rant about how Roxxon is going to destroy the city and the only thing that can stop Roxxon is the Divine Pairing. Chantelle begs Evita to ask Ty for more information.
Tandy’s at a man’s house. There, she drugs him and reads his hopes. While doing so, Tandy has a monologue where we find out that using her powers, she can now steal their hopes and desires, and the feelings felt in their visions.
We get a montage of the Johnson’s leashing out in various instances. Ty gets into a fist fight at school and Adina yells at a superior at work over a press release about drilling in the gulf.
Tandy is called to Mina’s house, where she agrees to go to brunch with Mina and her father Ivan.
Ty is called to Father Delgado’s office. Delgado explains that ever since Billy has died, Ty has continued battling a war โ he advises Ty to change his attitude.
At brunch, Tandy seems cloudy โ as if she’s hungover from the previous night’s events. She starts panicking and gets from the table. Mina follows her into the kitchen and asks Tandy if she’d like to work for her at Roxxon. The two go to shake hands, and Tandy’s transported into Mina’s consciousness. There, we see Mina examining flowers โ Tandy touches Mina again and takes her energy. It appears Tandy’s abusing her powers as if it’s a drug.
O’Reilly is drinking heavily at a pub.
Tandy gets back to the police station to bail Liam out with the money she received from Scarborough. While waiting, Tandy notices the water delivery person that shot Greg walking outside.
Delgado returns to his office and warns Ty he’s close to expulsion.
Tandy takes Liam to the church she’s been living in and tells him that the truth about her living situation. She begins to talk to Liam about marriage, and Liam confronts her about her “happy thoughts,” realizing something is amiss.
In Delgado’s office, he and Ty argue. Ty tries to leave and Delgado won’t allow him, saying if he does, he’ll be expelled.
Tandy touches Liam and goes into his dreams. Ty swings a punch at Father Delgado and the two begin fighting. Eventually Delgado puts Ty in a chokehold trying to calm him down and Ty is teleported to his fears.
In Liam’s dreams, we see him getting married to Tandy. In Father Delgado’s fears, we see him hit and kill a little girl in a drunk driving accident.
Tandy goes to touch Liam in her dreams when everything starts shaking and just then, Ty realizes a door in Delgado’s fears. Ty goes through it and walks into the vision Tandy’s in.
The interaction in the vision startles both of the protagonists and they each wake up from their subsequent visions. Delgado orders Ty to leave his office.
O’Reilly’s still at the pub when Connors walks in and gets a drink. He toasts Fuchs and O’Reilly takes a billy club off the wall and hits Connors over the head with it. The two fight and Connors nearly knocks out O’Reilly while the other cops stand by and watch.
After leaving Delgado’s office, Ty’s almost instantly approached by Evita who says she can help out. Their conversation is interrupted by Tandy, who orders Ty to stand out of her head. Evita warns Tandy to leave alone and the two fight. Tandy touches Evita’s skin and goes into her hopes to see Evita as a doctor.
Tandy tries taking Evita’s lofe force within the vision, but Evita overpowers Tandy and realizes she’s the second half of the Divine Pairing.
The two come to in the real world and Evita runs away as Ty and Tandy fight about what they’re going through. Tandy eventually pulls a dagger on Ty before the two decide to part ways.
Tandy returns to her church to find the place ransacked. Liam went through everything, found Tandy’s stash of money and left.
Mina arrives at a pipe location and gets a frantic call from Scarborough he needs her to fix it. As she arrives on the scene, two Roxxon workers are exposed to dark matter and start chasing after Mina as they’re suffering from the initial bout of the fear-mongering dark matter sickness.
O’Reilly is stumbling to her car and she hears over the radio they’ve located the suspect in Officer Fuchs murder. It’s a city-wide all call and O’Reilly gets in her car to go to the scene.
At the Johnson household, Adina finally opens up to Ty about Billy’s death. Adina expresses her frustrations on Ty coercing the confession from Connors, she reminds him that even if cops murder black men on camera in this day in age, they still get away with it.
The two continue talking as the copes and SWAT teams arrive at their house. Over the loudspeakers, they accuse Tyrone of murdering Fuchs. Adina orders Ty to sneak out of the house.
Tandy gets to her mother’s house and we see that Melissa’s being held hostage by the water delivery assassin. Tandy hides aronud the corner and as she looks down at her glowing hands, the episodes ends.