Since the inception of Marvel Televison in the early 2010s, fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have debated the continuity of the productions created by the studio. At the time, both Television and Marvel Studios technically resided under the Marvel Entertainment umbrella, with everything leading through Ike Perlmutter at the top. Around 2015, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige managed to get Marvel Studios moved into the Walt Disney Studios arm of the company, leaving Television behind.
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Marvel Studios has since become the biggest franchise to ever grace Hollywood, and eventually went on to Television around the time Disney executives began building Disney+ in 2018. In total, nearly 30 seasons of television were released by the Jeph Loeb-led studio, and fans still argue as to whether or not the shows are canon to this day. To date, Marvel Studios executives have not revealed if they believe those shows reside in the franchise’s main continuity.
Saturday, #KeepMarvelTVCanon started trending on Twitter as fans of shows like Daredevil, Agents of SHIELD, Helstrom, and more launched an orchestrated campaign to get their point across. Keep scrolling to see what fans are saying.
Bring Back Quake
Only Fair
Best Relationships
All of ’em
What other Marvel TV shows would you like to see return? Let us know your thoughts either in the comments section or by hitting our writer @AdamBarnhardt up on Twitter to chat all things MCU!