'Daredevil' Star Charlie Cox Doesn't Want to Play Another Superhero

Despite being one of the most celebrated superhero TV shows around, Daredevil became a victim of [...]

Despite being one of the most celebrated superhero TV shows around, Daredevil became a victim of the incredibly messy divorce between Marvel and Netflix. Just weeks after the release of its third season, which is probably its best to-date, Marvel's Daredevil was cancelled by the streaming service, leaving all fans wondering what could have been.

Nobody knows what will happen to Daredevil now, but the odds are he won't be showing up any time soon. Even if that's the case, the actor who played him, fan-favorite Charlie Cox, has no desire to move on to another superhero role in the near future. Like so many of us, he's still got Matt Murdock pulling on the strings of his heart.

During an interview with CNET for his upcoming movie King of Thieves, Cox was asked about his future in the world of superheroes. The actor was quick to admit that he only had eyes for Daredevil right now, and he wasn't sure when that was going to change.

"I certainly wouldn't want to play another superhero anytime soon," Cox said. "I still feel part of Matt Murdock. That sounds like a really wacky thing to say, but I've been playing him for five years and I haven't rid myself of that character yet."

As far as reprising the role of Daredevil at some point in the future, Cox is absolutely willing to do that. He went on to say that he'd definitely take the opportunity if it were given to him.

"I don't know what the conversations are behind the scenes at Marvel," he added, "but in a few years if another opportunity comes up with Marvel or whoever, I'd love to be considered. I live in hope because I loved the character and I loved the job."

It would be wonderful to see Cox take on the role of Matt Murdock once again, especially if the rest of his co-stars could join him. Unfortunately, there's no telling what the future holds for these characters, and whether or not they will ever be the same again.

Would you like to see Charlie Cox return as Daredevil? What do you think Marvel will do with the character next? Let us know in the comments!