X-Force Takes the Spotlight in New 'Deadpool 2' Poster

People might be in a craze over Avengers: Infinity War, but there's another team of heroes that [...]

People might be in a craze over Avengers: Infinity War, but there's another team of heroes that are set to hit the big screen soon. That's right, we're talking about X-Force.

A brand new poster for Deadpool 2 was just revealed by comic legend Rob Liefeld, who had a hand in creating all of the characters it features. In the poster, the Merc with the Mouth poses with Domino and Cable, neither of who look too pleased to be sharing breathing air with him.

Check it out below:

It's nice to see Domino and Cable sharing the spotlight with Deadpool, considering the two figure to be prominently featured in the new movie, which will also debut the team of X-Force.

And though Cable is positioned as the antagonist for the movie, any comic fan worth their salt knows it's only a matter of runtime before that epic bromance blossoms in full.

With the movie undergoing reshoots in recent weeks, rumors indicated the extended production was in response to poor responses from fans in test screenings. Actor Brianna Hildebrand, who plays Negasonic Teenage Warhead in the movie, cast doubt on those rumors in an interview with ScreenGeek.

"No, it was nothing that had gone wrong. I think it's a common misconception too – that people think that reshoots are to fix things that people didn't like," said Hildebrand. "A lot of the time, reshoots are to add more of the things that people loved. [Filmmakers] watch their films again and are like 'better fix that.' I don't know how much I can say about that."

Another rumor said the test screenings were positive, but the common feedback provided afterward indicated that audiences wanted to see more of Zazie Beetz as Domino and Josh Brolin as Cable. The reshoots were said to be the result of giving the audience what they requested, adding more scenes with the two new mutants.

After that, more rumors of test screenings indicated that Deadpool 2 scored higher among the audience than the first Deadpool movie, indicating that 20th Century Fox has yet another hit on their hands. Of course it's all hearsay at this point, and fans won't be able to gauge the truth until the movie is out in theaters.

Fox could use a superhero hit in the wake of today's news, which revealed X-Men: Apocalypse and The New Mutants were pushed back on the release calendar. Both movies were originally supposed to be released in 2018, but now Deadpool 2 will be their sole X-Men offering for the year.

Deadpool 2 premieres May 18th.